Registration is open for the 2017 edition of the Network Performing Arts Production workshop (NPAPW17), which will be held on 3-5 April 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The workshop will take place at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen.
The workshop's programme is mainly focused on education, teaching, learning and auditioning using the research networks.
On the last day of the workshop, special attention will be given to the creative use of technology, such as a concert for a rowing machine, composed especially for this event!
This year, a special “Performing Arts and Advanced Networking 101” session will be offered before the beginning of the main programme. The session is designed primarily for those who are joining the workshop for the first time, but all participants are invited to register.
The NPAPW events facilitate outreach to new user communities in the arts and humanities areas, particularly by demonstrating the use of research networks in supporting real-time musical, dance and other artistic performances. Participants learn about and use cutting-edge distance-education technology and explore new ways of incorporating audio and visual technology in performances.
The workshop will be coordinated by GÉANT and Internet2 with additional expertise provided by GARR, the Italian NREN, CSUC, which manages the regional network in Catalonia, JISC (UK’s NREN) and CESNET (Czech NREN). Hosted by the Danish Royal Academy of Music and supported by the Danish national research and education network (NREN) organisation DeiC, the two-day programme will be packed with action for participants.
Each day of the workshop the participants will be invited to join interactive sessions, consisting of live demos and performances that make use of the latest insights, tools and techniques in the areas of high-speed and low latency networking, followed by discussion and questions.
The programme includes a live multi-site public performance, written and performed by the students of the Royal Danish Academy of Music, together with music students from The Royal College of Music (London) and dancers from The Danish National School of Performing Arts and The Theatre Institute in Barcelona.

For more information, please click here.