AEC is happy to present a new online space for matchmaking music library resources between AEC members.

This new initiative is the result of multiple requests from AEC members expressed during the regional meetings held during the last AEC Annual Congresses. Some member institutions have an excess of materials in their library, but lack the possibility to share it with others while the deficit of resources is an issue for other member institutions.

AEC has launched this online space in order to help these institutions connect and inform other institutions about the material they can offer or they would appreciate to receive. The online space contains an AEC matchmaking template, which the AEC members can fill in to post offers and requests (e.g. for sheet music, scores, orchestra material, recordings, books and even instruments). AEC member organizations can post offers and requests completely free of charge.

The AEC online space for matchmaking music library resources is now available in the AEC services section on the AEC website.

Should you like to share any feedback or questions concerning the Matchmaking music library resources, please contact AEC office team.