Students of Uniarts Helsinki’s Sibelius Academy and the Thornton School of Music at the University of Southern California (USC) join forces in a new opera production, which will premiere in Helsinki on 26 March 2021 and in Los Angeles 21 April 2021.

All the Truths We Cannot See: A Chernobyl Story explores the explosion that happened at a power plant in Chernobyl, Soviet Union in 1986, as well as its reasons and consequences. It is composed by the world-famed composer Uljas Pulkkis, who is a doctoral student at Uniarts Helsinki’s Sibelius Academy. 

The main purpose of this opera is to create something new and unique through an international collaboration. This project will bring together the various players and phases contributing to a complete opera piece: the students and the team of professionals from various fields all engage in close cooperation, starting from the first brainstorming sessions all the way to the finished work. 

This opera also addresses some environmental themes. Man's relationship with nature has a strong thematic presence in the opera through animal characters and subjects about nature. The opera can be used as a platform to increase awaraness about environmental disasters in a touching way and to launch a social debate on the issue.

For more information, visit the web page of the opera.