Pearle members discuss EU policy proposals and their impact on the daily life of their organisations

(Copenhagen/Brussels 03 June 2017) – How does the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers deal with cultural policy at EU level and how do they interact with stakeholders from the cultural sector in the Member States? This was the opening discussion between Pearle* members from across Europe at their 53rd General Assembly, held on 2nd and 3rd June 2017 in Copenhagen.
The meeting was hosted by the Association of Danish Regional Symphony Orchestras (LOF) and the Danish Association of Theatres (DTF). 

Pearle members exchanged on a wide range of European rules to be implemented in the Member States, such as the accessibility of online services in the cultural sector. After a discussion round with several experts on accessible performances and online services for disabled people, Pearle* members expressed their commitment to further engage with their audiences.
Pearle* members also elected Géza Kovács, Director General of the Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra and President of the Association of Hungarian Orchestras (AHO) as new President of Pearle. Géza Kovács succeeds Rolf Bolwin from Deutscher Bühnenverein who is leaving for retirement.
Géza Kovács thanked Rolf Bolwin for his excellent leadership and commitment in the last 25 years, during which he assumed the role of President several times.

With regards to the priorities in the coming months Kovács emphasized the importance of mobility for the live performance sector: “There is a real need that our decision makers – at the EU but also at a national level – start to recognize the daily realities of theatres, dance companies, orchestras, ensembles or groups when touring to a different EU country. Very short term posting of less than a month is widely used in our sector and European rules on the posting of workers make life hard for our organisations, especially for SMEs and micro-companies. Administrative burdens are disproportionate compared to the duration of a tour.Fear is expressed that this will reduce cross-cultural cooperation and exchange.”     

At the conference in Copenhagen, the association PerformArt from Portugal and the association of professional orchestras in Switzerland, called joined as full members of Pearle*.

Note to editors:
Pearle*- Live Performance Europe is a European federation representing through its members more than 10,000 theatres, theatre production companies, orchestras and music ensembles, opera houses, ballet and dance companies, festivals, concert halls, venues and other organisations within the performing arts and music sector across Europe. The aim of this non-profit making organisation is the establishing of a stable environment by supporting sustainability and promotion of the Performing Arts across Europe.

Contact details:

Anita Debaere
Silke Lalvani 
EU policy adviser  

Sainctelettesquare 19/6
1000 Brussels
Phone : +32-2-203.62.96