This call is aimed at young emerging artist-researchers (MA, PhD), who are interested in the transformative power of Artistic Research for their own professional development and artistic agency. 

In the spirit and frame of the conference “Reflect & React. How Artistic Research Empowers Musicians and Performing Artists at Higher Education Institutions”, we want to encourage students (MA / PhD) in the field of Artistic Research in Music to critically explore, how their activities and practices in Artistic Research influenced their own artistic perspectives, for example in developing new professional niches or in exploring new artistic mindsets and concepts.

We, therefore, invite artist-researchers (MA/PhD) to reflect on the following questions and send their thoughts and reflections to have the chance to be presented in the form of a poster during the conference “Reflect & React” on 12-13 May, 2023 in Cologne.

  • How did the engagement in Artistic Research influence, empower or enhance the conception of yourself as an artist?
  • To what extent does your Artistic Research project contribute to broadening or enriching your professional perspectives and/or the professional self-image of you as a music student (MA/PhD) and artist?
  • How did the involvement in your Artistic Research activities foster meta-skills, which are not directly related to the specific research topic you are working on, for example in creating new collaborative or interdisciplinary settings or in developing new formats of professional performance formats?

The format of the submissions can vary:

  1. A) Your submission will be in the form of a testimony (only text) in which you reflect on your experiences and ideas inspired by the set of questions, which you find above (one A4-page will be enough). 
  2. B) Your submission will be in the form of text and audio or video files (via QR-Code), in which you deepen your thoughts (see set of questions above) – if practicable – also in a non-discursive way.

In both cases, you may include links, which present the artistic research activities you are relating to in your response. 

The contributions  (in form A/B, one DinA4 page) should be submitted no later than April, 15th 2023 to: We intend to send a notification of acceptance by May, 1 st 2023.

For content-wise questions regarding the topic of this Call, please contact:

For those students, who are interested in participating physically in the conference, there is financial assistance available (to a limited extent) to reduce travel and accommodation costs. Requests for such assistance can be submitted as soon as your paper has been accepted.