The call for submissions to the 2018 Reflective Conservatoire Conference, taking place on 20-23 February 2018 at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama on the theme of Artists as Citizens is now open.

The conference will consider how artists, arts organisations, and specialist higher education in the performing arts in particular, can and are already engaging with artistic citizenship within contemporary societies. What are the possibilities for practitioners individually and collectively? How are specialist higher education curricula changing in response to this agenda; what are the implications and opportunities for organisational development and leadership?


The invitation for submissions (in the form of academic papers, performance papers, practical workshops, performances, symposia and round tables) address the following strands of enquiry:
  • Concepts and significance of artistic citizenship
  • Promising new practices
  • Enabling artists as citizens – from cradle to grave
  • Organisational development and leadership
  • Impact and advocacy 
The selection committee actively encourages submissions for experiential sessions. The deadline for submitting a proposal is 10am on the Wednesday 24 May 2017.


For more information on the themes or how to submit, please visit or don’t hesitate contact the organiser on