Registration for the MusiQuE Peer Reviewers Training Workshop 2023 is now open!

MusiQuE is pleased to announce that the registrations for the next Training Session for Peer-reviewers are now open.
The MusiQuE Peer Reviewers Training Workshop consists of three subsequent sessions directed to interested individuals in quality enhancement and accreditation in higher music education institutions, including those who would like to become part of the MusiQuE Peer Reviewers Register. This Training also offers MusiQuE Peer Reviewers the opportunity to reflect on personal experiences. In addition, in this edition, we will be introducing the revised MusiQuE standards that will be used for MusiQuE procedures from 2024.
The 2023 edition of the Training will be held online and in person:
- 12th October (10:00 – 13:00 CEST): online session on Zoom
- 8th November (15:00 – 19:30 CET): in person at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague (KC)
- 9th November (09:30 – 13:30 CET): in person at the KC in The Hague.
The Training sessions will be delivered in English by members of the MusiQuE Board and Office and by experienced MusiQuE Peer Reviewers.
Training materials are provided to participants before and during the training to prepare them for practical activities, including role-play sessions.
Participants can include staff members from HMEIs such as senior management, professors, teachers, lecturers, administrative staff, students, and all those interested in the topic. The Training is also open to other performing arts sectors with conservatoires.
Programme and more information
Please, find the programme outline of the MusiQuE Peer Reviewers Training Workshop 2023 and more information on this event on the MusiQuE website.
Please, access and fill out the registration online form to participate in the Training. The deadline for registration to the MusiQuE Training is 6th October 2023 (early bird registration deadline: 15th September)
The Training will be free of charge for the first five students who register.