You can now register for the next meeting of the EPARM which will take place on 16-18 april 2020 at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

To reflect the centrality of performance in artistic research, in addition to one keynote speech and twenty-one presentations selected from the Call for Proposals, the event will feature once again a special evening programme of performance and discussion.

This year the EPARM conference features two pre-conference seminars aimed at providing solid skills to artistic researchers: a seminar for experienced researchers on the funding possibilities for artistic research within the Marie Curie Programme; a seminar for beginners and junior researches on methods of artistic research.

Details on the programme, abstract and biographies of the papers selected from the Call for Proposals, accommodation, fee payment, travel bursaries, travel indications and the compulsory online registration form are available at Online registration is compulsory for attending the event.