REMA Early Music in Europe is the only representative network for Early Music in Europe. Its main aim is to act as a network for its members, encouraging the exchange of knowledge, information and co-operations in the early music field.

Every two years REMA organises a Showcase for young European artists active in the Early Music field.
It is a unique opportunity for young talents of early music to present themselves in front of a broad selection of European early music promoters.

The next showcase will take place on 20 and 21 November 2020 at BOZAR, Brussels (BE) during the Early Music Summit organized for the first time by REMA.
Under the title “Our Future Past: Early Music in Context”, the conference will assess and take a critical look at the current state and future of Early Music in respect of performance, education, research, instrument-making, musicology, and concert promotion.

Within the context of the conference, a call is being launched for young ensembles active in the Early Music field to perform in the Showcase on Friday 20 or Saturday 21 November 2020.
The audience for the Showcase will be the Summit’s international delegates, which will include directors of early music and other festivals, representatives of conservatoires, concert promoters, music researchers, musicologists, instrument-makers, editors, publishers, recording executives, the media, students, and the general public.
Please visit REMA'S website to apply for the Showcase. The application deadline is on 10 March.