The main speaker for the RENEW project final conference (The Hague, 28-29 September) has been confirmed. The Dutch 'eating designer' Marije Vogelzang will invite the conference participants to understand the world from the eyes of an entrepreneur. 
According to Marije Vogelzang “food is already perfectly designed by nature. Instead, her designs focus around the verb ‘to eat’. Vogelzang is inspired by the origin of food and the preparation, etiquette, history and culture around it. For this reason, she doesn’t consider herself a ‘food designer’, but as the first ‘eating designer’. She is entrepreneur, an internationally acclaimed designer, professor at the Dutch Design Academy and a lecturer inspiring audiences all over the world. She describes “Things I’ve learnt in the past” as “Deciding to step into a new path of a design field that didn’t exist at the time might seem a courageous thing to do. But I have to say it was just the thing I liked most (and I am a lousy product designer so I had few other options). Still I have to be honest that I find it sometimes difficult to explain to people what it is I do. 10 years ago people would mainly think I would design new shapes of food or do food styling. Now I see that more and more people understand the urgency and see the potential of food and design. Having had two restaurants taught me a lot about human behavior, about entrepreneurship and about the possibilities and boundaries of a small company. I still feel I am learning and working in this field fuels me with excitement every day.”
Registration for the conference is now open! For more information please visit the RENEW Conference event page.