‘Entrepreneurship or the sweet spot between the artist and the world’

Danse du diable / Dance of the devil


If entrepreneurs can become presidents, entrepreneurial artists should reach for higher goals. Yet learning to become an entrepreneur is a relatively new subject in arts education. How to implement entrepreneurship teaching in higher arts education?
The RENEW project, developed by six partner institutions*, has addressed exactly this question over the last two years. Is it possible to match the autonomy of the artist with the drive to create opportunities to perform? Or is the soldier in Stravinsky’s tale that exchanges his violin for knowledge that will help him understand his economic future selling his soul to the devil? RENEW is ready to share its findings with the larger community of conservatoires and other arts education institutions during a conference in The Netherlands hosted by the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague on 28 and 29 September 2018.
…What are key components for programs that will teach our students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset?
…What hard skills are needed by the musician that wants to initiate and manage projects successfully?
…How can you launch an independent artistic practice as a starting professional?
Join us in The Hague and find the answer to these and many other questions related to the implementation of Entrepreneurship teaching in higher music education! Registration is now open in the  AEC website.
*Supported by the European Commission’s programme Erasmus+, RENEW aims at contributing to the promotion of innovative education and training within the field of Higher Music Education through the development of different activities such as student boot camps and training sessions for teachers interested in gaining skills in the field of entrepreneurship. The six project partners are Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium (DJM), Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag (KC), Guildhall School of Music and Drama (GSMD), Sibelius Academy of Music (SIBA), Norges Musikkhøgskole (NMH) and AEC.