connecting ears!

Ear training Workshop e Forum

Parma, Conservatorio “Arrigo Boito”

Auditorium del Carmine

April 26-27-28-29 2023



Since 2015, Ear Training teachers and students from different European countries convene every year in Parma for a four days meeting, to hold and receive ear-training lessons, for mutual observation and discussion. Teachers can participate under the frame of the Erasmus+ Programme and both mobilities for teaching and training are possible, depending on the teachers’ activities during the meeting and their nationality. Italian teachers can benefit from a contribution from their home institution for their training period. During a six-year span, Sentiamoci a Parma has involved many international teachers who have come to know about the work and methodologies of colleagues from different countries. A network of excellence all over Europe and beyond has been created this way, involving 25 different countries and connecting more than 150 experts in the sector with a remarkable dissemination of good practices and a sense of belonging to Europe. This experience has led to the creation of the second-level Postgraduate Specialization Course in Theory, rhythm and musical perception – Ear training, the only active course in Italy and one of the few in Europe focused in building competencies for prospective teachers in this field.  (brochure – program)

The program of the workshop involves real lessons in several groups of students of the Conservatorio Arrigo Boito di Parma (from pre-academic to Master’s degree) held by the participating teachers in Italian or in English and translated (in English or in Italian) for the audience.


Since we strongly believe in sharing ideas and connecting people, Sentiamoci a Parma is free and open to anyone concerned. International teachers may attend the workshop as Training Mobility (STA or STT) within the Erasmus+ program: please refer to your International relationships office for further details or get in touch with us for more info.

If you are interested in attending Sentiamoci a Parma, please send an email by 20 April, 2023 to:

Find out more about the lecturers and the programme on the event’s page.