Beside the regular SJU – Siena Jazz University jazz courses, the didactic, production and research, one of the highlights of Siena Jazz activities is the “International Summer Workshop”.

Established in 1977, the Siena Jazz International Summer Workshop is a two-week clinic focused on improvisation and music ensemble, held by 32 different faculties coming from Italy, U.S. and Europe.
The students are coming from 5 different continents and it involves many of the most famous jazz musicians of the international scene every year.

The workshop is structure by didactics during the day, and faculty concerts and jam sessions in the characteristic Senese Contradas at night. The final event at the end of the first and second week of classes are 70 combo concerts of students together with teachers. The unique feeling of the Siena’s artistic summer activities atmosphere contributes to creating a very intense experience.
This summer, the workshop will reach its 49th edition. In this framework we offer 2 traineeship positions to those students willing to join an unforgettable experience working together with a faculty made of contemporary jazz heroes.

Find more information about the Erasmus+ call for Traineeship and on how to apply in the attachment.