Time of Music Festival invites emerging curators to a 7-day course in Viitasaari, Finland, in July 2020.
Recognised composers/curators Tarek Atoui, Du Yun, Julia Gerlach et Vigdis Jakobsdottir will lead workshops, lectures and debates that explore artistic concerns and good practices in curating music and sound art today.

Discussions in class will cover topics such as the challenges of public and private space, collaborative and participatory strategies, working with archives, the challenges of modern identity-politics and personification, curatorship as activism, curating social change and inclusion. The course will focus more on ethical and positional questions as oppose to purely technical aspects like fundraising and production.
Participants will take part in a public discussion and presentation on the last day of the course.
To qualify for the Curating Diversity Course, students must have a traceable history of their own work with curatorship. They must be prepared to present their own work and discuss with the class any challenges they may have experienced themselves in this area.
Letters of interest should include any questions that students would like to explore personally, or feel would be beneficial to classroom discussion.

Deadline: March 15, 2020
Here the applicants will find the rules and regulations, and the application form:

The “Curating Diversity” course is part of the Creative Europe funded network Sounds Now of which Time of Music is the Finnish partner.