The project Strengthening Music in Society (AEC-SMS) is half way through its first year and its first results will become visible soon! Together the AEC community can encourage each other to adapt to change, embrace innovation and equip our graduates to become key cultural and creative players of tomorrow.

Through AEC-SMS and its six working groups and objectives, AEC can strengthen the cultural and creative sectors. The working groups focus on increasing diversity, identity and inclusiveness; promoting entrepreneurship; further developing internationalisation and mobility; innovating learning and teaching; digitisation and on increasing student voice.  Each of the working groups will present its progress from this year and plans for the coming years during the upcoming Annual Congress and will continue to share its results online and through other events. AEC invites its members to come and participate in these sessions and events and talk to the working group members. You can also get involved by visiting the AEC-SMS webpage and by sharing its outcomes among colleagues and students in your institution!

While most working groups are established, the AEC will launch its call for participants for the last working group, WG Music in Society, this autumn. At the same time another call for a Student Working Group member will be published, giving you the opportunity for you or one of your students to join and contribute to AEC-SMS.

Contact the AEC office or one of the working groups if you would like to know more about AEC-SMS in the meantime. More information and material produced is also available on the Media Material page.