During the upcoming General Assembly in Turin from 7 to 9 November, the Council would like to make a proposal regarding AEC publications and their translations for the AEC community. In order to make an informed decision, we kindly ask you to fill in this survey by 10 October.


The AEC and its Working Groups have been preparing and producing publications for a long time, during project cycles of Polifonia, FULL SCORE and now Strengthening Music in Society (SMS). These publications should help the Higher Music Education sector to develop and innovate and to stimulate our member institutions to grow. While we believe that the key areas AEC addresses are relevant and that the best experts contribute to the publications, we have never tested on a larger scale to which extent these publications create an added value in the institutions themselves.
More importantly, having an inclusive and diverse community, we want to make sure that all our members can benefit from the publications that we produce. Following the discussion on translation and language policy at the General Assembly (GA) in Graz, the improvement of the publications-section on the AEC website, while standing at the forefront of developing a whole new set of publications in the SMS project, we are now looking for your inputs by 10 October.
Once gathered your answers, the AEC Office will analyse them. Based on this analysis, verbal feedbacks that we have gathered, as well as data gathered through our website (downloads, clicks, etc.), we can inform the GA members on the topic of publications and translations during the General Assembly taking place on Saturday 9 November.
We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation.