The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project SWING (Synergic Work Incoming New Goals for Higher Education Music Institutions) is working on blended mobilities, international collaborations, curricula innovation and recognition with the objective of experimenting and establishing a framework that enhances transnational learning opportunities through the use of the LoLa technology.

LoLa 2.0.0, the new beta version of the system released in October 2019, is an outcome of the first year of the project and has been successfully tested with two locations connected simultaneously. This version features several improvements, including the possibility to connect up to three locations and to install up to four cameras – which allows the participants to see the class from different points of view. The first round of courses and experimental sessions for small ensembles using this technology has been completed at the end February.

During the first year of the project, LoLa users responded to a questionnaire about the didactic impact of this new technology. The responses have been analysed and the results will be shared during the next dissemination event and in the final project report.

Based on the comments collected at the beginning of the second year of the project, the SWING technical team is now developing new further technological improvements of the software.

The three conservatoires involved (Trieste, Ljubljana and Vienna) have started working on the second year’s final concert and on the second dissemination event, but at the moment the preparations are in stand-by due to the COVID-19 pandemic.