AEC is happy to present the renewed Vacancy section on the AEC website with the purpose of improving visibility and expanding its network.

The AEC Vacancy Platform is the leading website for job vacancies in Higher Music Education. AEC receives an increasing number of requests from member institutions to post their vacancies online.

Main changes for the AEC Vacancy Platform are:

  • To keep the platform up-to-date, vacancies will be automatically removed, one month after the deadline passed. From now on the deadline is mandatory.
  • There will be only 5 main job categories: (Senior) management, academic, administrative, production, internships. We would like to encourage you to advertise more job opportunities to students
  • Everyone will be able to subscribe to the AEC Vacancy Platform and stay updated on the newest jobs in Higher Music Education.
  • All vacancies will be posted on AEC’s social media channels, like: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn using the hashtag #AECVacancyPlatform.
Member institutions can post their vacancies online free of charge. AEC encourages its members to make the AEC Vacancy Platform into a greater success by posting more vacancies on our website and sharing it through their own network using the hashtag #AECVacancyPlatform!