It has been a very busy year for the AEC office and the international relations coordinators of AEC member institutions using EASY Mobility Online – the new AEC system to manage student mobilities provided by the Austrian company SoP Mobility Online.

After the first part of the User’s Manual sent in December, the second part, including advanced tricks, EWP settings and Learning Agreement has been sent to all users and is available online for download and consultation

All EASY internal users are invited to join the EASY workshop in Dublin, right before the IRC Meeting at RIAM, on 4th September from 14:00 to 18:00. The workshop will not be streamed. External users can join a dedicated discussion group during the conference on Friday 5th September at 14:00.

A survey to collect feedback from internal users will be launched in June in order to plan changes and developments for 2025. Stay tuned!