The MusiQuE Board welcomes a new member and appoints a new Chair!

Out of the three candidates proposed by AEC, the MusiQuE Board has chosen Lies Colman to fill in the seat that will become vacant in January 2022. Lies Colman is the Artistic Coordinator of the Classical Music Program at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp and has developed a solid and multifaceted career as a renowned pianist. She also conducts artistic doctoral research on the challenges associated with the contemporary competence profile of the performing musician. Her experience in quality assurance includes regular participation as a panel member in visitations within higher art education.
As a new Board member is welcomed, the membership of Gordon Munro, current Chair of the Board, comes to an end. MusiQuE is deeply grateful for his invaluable dedication and involvement in MusiQuE during the past six years and wishes him success in his future projects.
At the same time, MusiQuE is delighted to announce Jacques Moreau as the new Chair of the MusiQuE Board. Jacques Moreau, former Director of the Cefedem Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France), has joined the MusiQuE Board in January 2021. He actively contributed to the MusiQuE Training workshop for Peer-reviewers and is involved in the revision of the MusiQuE Standards.