The Quodlibet is the AEC’s online and open forum for dialogue on all matters of Early Music and HIP (Historically Informed Performance), open to students, teachers, and artists.  The forum was launched in 2020, during the pandemic.

This year’s sessions explored the following themes:

  • The End(s) of Early Music: The current state of Early Music departments across Europe (13th October) – with the AEC Early Music Task Force and REMA
  • The Singer of Tales: Music as Storytelling from the Middle Ages to the Present (17th November): with Kelly Landerkin, Marc Lewon, Katarina Livljanić
  • Early Music Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning Today with the Tools of the Past – with Isaac Alonso de Molina and Barnabé Janin

The new Quodlibet series aimed at:

  • addressing musical, educational, professional, and institutional issues in Early Music studies
  • engaging AEC members in interactive debates with artistic personalities in the Early Music education world
  • strengthen the connections of the Early Music players and students in Europe and beyond
  • facilitate discussions regarding topics such as HP/HIP – Historically Informed Performance.

Abstracts and video recordings of the first two sessions are available on the webpage of the Quodlibet 2022 on the AEC website as well as AEC’s YouTube channel.