The training programme “Tuning In! Routes to a Career in the Music Sector” was a cooperation of mdw – University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna and the Austrian music information center mica, supported by AEC and funded by the European Union. It aimed to equip graduates and senior students of European Higher Music Education Institutions (HMEIs) with the skills and knowledge needed to develop and grow their careers as musicians in a rapidly changing professional environment.
Ten musicians from six different HMEIs participated in the programme that supported them in developing their careers and provided useful tools and strategies for shaping self-directed, self-confident, and independent lives as musicians. Other than in their familiar environments, they dedicated themselves to unaccustomed considerations such as "value proposition, key resources, revenue streams, elegant next steps on my roadmap…”. By developing a career roadmap, they actively reflected on their existing resources, strengths and visions for their musical projects, acquired basic business and management skills and tested self-marketing and self-presentation methods.
The programme also strongly concentrated on the interpersonal exchange between the participants, who met in Vienna three times as well as online. Peer learning, open discussion and the cooperative development of ideas initiated a strong transnational network for future collaboration and mutual support. Additionally, each participating musician chose an experienced mentor with whom they further discussed and developed their projects. At the programme’s conclusion, the artists presented an attentive audience with their plans – as soloists and ensemble founders, for festivals, competitions, and a special music school, and for using new technologies to give rise to immersive musical experiences. As one of the participating musicians put it: "Having the opportunity to attend seminars in Vienna, the city of music, among colleagues, friends and artists was a true privilege and beyond extending my network, inspired me to follow my own path using the tools I learnt during Tuning In!"
20 July, 2020
Tuning In! Routes to a Career in the Music Sector