Update on MusiQuE’s latest activities

On 13 and 14 April 2023 the MusiQuE Board held its Spring meeting in Brussels. The Board discussed a wide range of topics related to the organisation, such as board composition, ongoing and upcoming review activities, revision of the MusiQuE Standards, cooperation with MusiQuE partner institutions, communication and future webinars, newly admitted members in the Peer Reviewers Register and strategic management.
To keep abreast of ongoing policies and practice developments related to quality assurance, MusiQuE took part in the biannual Members’ Forum of ENQA (the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) entitled QA in the EHEA: linking policy and practice and General Assembly organised at NCEQE (National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement) in Tbilisi (Georgia) on 20 and 21 April 2023. During a poster session at the Forum, a member of the MusiQuE Office presented the Critical Friend Review as an example of practice that aims to strengthen a quality enhancement-led approach in quality assurance procedures. For more information about this event, please visit MusiQuE website.
On 10 and 11 May 2023, student representative of the MusiQuE Board Ankna Arockiam attended the Pearle* conference in Oslo, organised by MusiQuE’s partner organisation, where she gave an update on MusiQuE’s latest activities at the European Orchestra Forum and promoted Pearle’s cooperation with MusiQuE.
Finally, MusiQuE is taking part in 2023-2024 in the ENQA Leadership Development Programme, which aims to provide an intensive European peer-learning experience for high-potential professional staff in quality assurance agencies. On 24-26 May a member of the MusiQuE Office participated in the first seminar in Lisbon: Trends and developments in higher education – the context for QA agencies hosted by the Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).