Update on MusiQuE’s review procedures and activities

MusiQuE is currently coordinating and preparing several quality enhancement and accreditation procedures in The Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Estonia, Singapore, Thailand and Spain. These procedures include:

  • A programme accreditation procedure at the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Almaty, Kazakhstan (site-visit in May 2023)
  • A quality enhancement review of the Drama programme at KASK & Conservatorium, the School of Arts of HOGENT and Howest, Gent, Belgium  (site-visit in May 2023)
  • A programme accreditation procedure at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague, The Netherlands (site-visit in June 2023)
  • An institutional accreditation and a programme accreditation procedures at the Kazakh National University of the Arts, Astana, Kazakhstan, in cooperation with EQ-Arts (still to be confirmed – site-visit in October 2023)
  • An institutional accreditation procedure at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn, Estonia (site-visit in October 2023)
  • An evaluation of research activities at the University of the Arts The Hague, The Netherlands (site-visit in December 2023)
  • A programme accreditation procedure at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (site-visit 2024)
  • A programme accreditation procedure at Performing Arts Research and Training Studios (P.A.R.T.S.), Brussels, Belgium (site-visit 2024)
  • A programme quality enhancement procedure at pre-college level at College of Music, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (site-visit in 2025)
  • A Review Team panel visit within a Critical Friend review procedure at Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (site-visit in 2025)
  • An institutional quality enhancement review at the Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Bangkok, Thailand (site-visit in 2024)
  • An Critical Friend review at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, Singapore (2023-2028)

MusiQuE also actively participates in various events related to quality assurance in higher education to stay abreast of the current trends and new challenges in this sector. In 2022 MusiQuE representatives attended the ENQA General Assembly in Stockholm, the EQAF Forum in Timisoara and gave a presentation about the opportunities and challenges linked to cross-border quality assurance at the EQAR Members’ Dialogue in Prague. 


Some weeks ago, Jacques Moreau, Chair of the MusiQuE Board, took part in the SEADOM Conference in Salaya, Thailand where new priorities and trends in the post-pandemic educational sector were discussed.