The AEC Pilot Project for an Online Application System for mobility among higher music education institutions – EASY is now fully operational. The Call for Institutions has been sent to all AEC members and 66 Institutions joined the project. Set up user manuals and further instructions for the applications’ management have been published for all institutions both on the homepage of EASY and on the EASY Discussion Group on Facebook.

On 9th January the AEC office staff met Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of Unit at the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission to present the system and on 15th February the EASY working group met in Brussels for a preliminary evaluation of the current version of the system in order to fine-tune it together with the software developer company Dreamapply. A survey addressed to the EASY users will be sent out to all partner institutions in May and AEC is currently discussing with the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) the possible involvement of arts institutions in the system as of academic year 2018/19.

You are still on time to join EASY for this academic year! Click HERE to join the system.