The INTERMUSIC project has come to its most intense phase with the training seminar on the Moodle platform, held in January by Mantautas Krukauskas and Roberto Becerra from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater in Vilnius at the Conservatorio di Musica G. Verdi in Milan.

Within a few months, the various working groups composed by teachers from Higher Music Education Institutions in Milan (project leader) Copenhagen and Vilnius will upload contents of the four teaching modules (chamber music, theory, composition, vocal music in original language) on the platform that in the end will be available to students.

The experimental phase at the end of the first year of the project led the research group on Network Music Performance to the publication of an interesting study disseminated in two publications, "Time is not on my side: network latency, presence and performance in remote music interaction". Now, it has entered the second phase of its research in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano, who will be publishing a third article under the title "A framework to explore the sense of presence in interactive musical learning scenarios on the Internet" for the newspaper "Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing" by Hindawi.

Project partners have met on 4-5 March a the Royal Academy of Music in Copenhagen to discuss the upcoming project activities. Project methodology and results will be presented at the INTERMUSIC Multiplier Event organized in connection to the AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators 2019 (Prague, HAMU, 19–22 September).

For more information, visit the INTERMUSIC Website!