The activities of the SWING project have finally started with all partners acquiring the necessary technical equipment and arranging the set up. The partners identified classes of solo instruments to be paired between institutions in order to organise long distance lectures through the LoLa system: partner institutions in Trieste and Vienna will work on saxophone and voice, Trieste and Ljubljana on accordion and Ljubljana and Vienna on piano and guitar. The final schedule of the teaching sessions is under final refinement considering the technical needs and people’s availability. The first session took place on 20 February between Ljubljana and Trieste (you can see here a picture of the accordion lecture). GARR, project leader, has collected the first feedback and input from students and teachers taking part in this experience.

SWING has been selected as a project to be presented at the ELIA Academy,  which is this year jointly hosted by AEC and ELIA, taking place in Stuttgart on 25-27 September 2019 and will be presented also the AEC Congress and General Assembly 2019 (Turin, Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi, 7-9 November).