The Jazeps Vitols Lativian Academy of Music offers a unique opportunity to young musicians to participate in the the VII International Woodwind Competition.
On 10-17 October 2020, young musicians born in or after 1990 will take the stage of the Academy’s Great Hall to compete in five categories : Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and saxophone.
There are three round in the competition and the participants will be evaluated by an international jury composed by :

  • Silvia Careddu, flutist  (Italy)
  •  Louise Pellerin, oboist  (Canada/Switzerland),
  • Karel Dohnal, clarinetist  (the Czech Republic)
  • Peeter Sarapuu, bassoon player (Estonia),
  • Christian Maurer, saxophone player(Austria
  • Ilona Meija, flutist, associate professor of the JVLMA
  • Artis Sīmanis, and saxophone player, JVLMA professor  from Latvia. 

Here the applicants will find the rules and regulations, and the application form: 

Applications are to be submitted electronically by 1 June 2020. The list of participants will be published on the competition’s website, and the selected participants will receive a confirmation e-mail by 1 July 2020.