Welcome to the new AEC members!

We are happy to announce that, since the beginning of the year, four new member institutions have joined the AEC community. Applications were assessed by the AEC Council members representing the regional groups to which these institutions belong to, with support from the AEC Office, and were approved during the last AEC Council meeting in The Hague, The Netherlands, on 27-28 March. These include:
- Conservatorio Statale di Musica Luigi Canepa (Sassari, Italy)
- Conservatorio Statale di Musica P. I. Tchaikovsky (Nocera Terinese, Italy)
- Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón (Zaragoza, Spain)
- University of Aveiro, Department of Communication and Art (Aveiro, Portugal)
They became Active members of our association, a category dedicated to any conservatoire, académie de musique, musikhochschulen or any other equivalent institution in Europe aiming at educating students for the music profession. These institutions are engaged in the delivery of programmes, some of which are above Level 4 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) or its equivalent, and meet the broad description of such programmes contained in the AEC-Tuning Handbook: ‘Reference Points for the Design and Delivery of Degree Programmes in Music’.
Furthermore, several institutions from all over Europe and beyond have expressed their interest in AEC membership in the last months, and have contacted the AEC Office for further information.
Becoming an AEC member?
Our brochure for prospective members, as well as our application form, is available upon request. Should you decide to apply for membership, please do not hesitate to send an email to Alfonso Guerra, AEC Membership and Finance Coordinator, or visit the AEC website, where you will find more detailed information on the application process. We are looking forward to receiving your application and we hope to welcome you to the AEC community soon!