AEC Project ‘Accreditation in European Professional Music Training’
A European project entitled ‘Accreditation in European Professional Music Training’ was initiated in 2006 with quality assurance and accreditation as its main theme. The project, which has been formally closed down on 1 October, built on the successful results of the EU/USA project entitled ‘Music Study, Mobility and Accountability’.
Project aims and objectives
The ‘Accreditation in European Professional Music Training’ project was aiming to improve the overall quality of professional music training in higher education in Europe and to facilitate the national and transnational recognition of studies and qualifications in the field of music.
For this purpose, a European approach to external quality assurance and accreditation in the music sector was developed with the following objectives:
- To formulate, test and disseminate a set of common European standards and procedures for external quality assurance and accreditation in music study, taking into account its specific characteristics and cultural diversity.
- To develop these standards and procedures using a wide consultation and evaluation process.
- To make these standards and procedures relevant for various possible future contexts depending on political developments in accreditation and external quality assurance at national and European level:
1. As a common reference framework adding a European dimension to existing national institutional and programme external quality assurance and accreditation procedures, and increasing the usability of these procedures in relation to the field of music, while at the same time offering guidelines for the implementation of such procedures in countries where these do not yet exist;
2. As a basis for a feasibility study on the development of a European subject-specific peer review system in the field of music, which can be offered as an evaluation tool to AEC member institutions providing institutions with a ‘European quality label’.
- To produce a register of experts for the review panels, including guidelines on how experts will be selected and prepared.
- To test the developed standards and procedures through test visits during April/May 2007.
- To present the project outcomes through a final conference and two project information newsletters
Project outcomes
1. The ‘AEC Framework Document on Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Music’
2. Practical handbook ‘How to prepare for an institutional or programme review in Higher Music Education?’
3. Test evaluation visits
4. Register of experts
5. Final conference
- discuss a more subject-specific approach to quality assurance and accreditation at both national and European levels with music as a case study
- give feedback on the draft version of the AEC Framework Document in plenary sessions and breakout working groups
- be informed about the results of the test evaluation visits
- discuss the desirability and feasibility of the creation of a ‘European Quality Label in Music’ as a result of a subject-specific approach to quality assurance and accreditation at national and/or European level.
Newsletter 1 | English | French | German |
Newsletter 2 | English | French | German |