B. Evaluation for Enhancement


‘To strengthen and connect the quality enhancement frameworks surrounding all levels of music education so as to ensure a coherent trajectory in the development of the skills, competences and know-how of young musicians.’

Since 2007, criteria and procedures have been developed under the umbrella of AEC to assist higher music education institutions with their quality enhancement activities. In 2014, AEC review activities (including the criteria and procedures) have been transfered to the external review body MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement and the criteria have been further developped into standards: there are currently Standards for Institutional Review, Standards for Programme Review and Standards for Joint Programme Review

The FULL SCORE working group (WG) on Evaluation for Enhancement explored if such tools could be developed and used at pre-college level and in programmes focused on music pedagogy in order to connect the various levels of music education through a consistent quality enhancement framework.

WG Members

The WG was composed of representatives from AEC, the European Music School Union (EMU) and the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS)

•    Stefan Gies, AEC (Chair)
•    Orla McDonagh, Dublin Institute of Technology (AEC representative)
•    Adri De Vugt, Royal Conservatoire The Hague, EAS Past President
•    Gerhard Sammer, Hochschule für Musik Würzburg,  EAS President
•    Helena Maffli, EMU President
•    Friedrich Koh-Dolge, Stuttgarter Musikschule, EMU Board member


  • Meeting twice per year
  • Developing two sets of standards, one for pre-college music education and one for classroom music teacher education programmes
  • Consulting member organisations of EAS, AEC and EMU on the sets of standards produced through presentations & discussions, meetings, site visits and focus groups
  • Testing both sets of standards during pilot reviews: School of Young Talent in The Hague in November 2016
  • Disseminating the work in process and the outcomes at the yearly events of the three partner organizations (AEC/EMU/EAS)



Both sets of standards are expected to be used by institutions for self-evaluation and external evaluation
Both sets of standards have been handed over to the external evaluation body MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement which offers review procedures based on sets of standards

The FULL SCORE Evaulation for Enhancement WG Terms of Reference and meeting reports are available for AEC members upon request. For further information, please contact the AEC Office.