Staff training week at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague, 24-28 September 2018

The RENEW final conference will be preceded by an intensive week (from 24th to the 28th September 2018) that will combine the last student bootcamp of the project (only available for the RENEW partner institutions) and a training event for teachers and staff in conservatoires focused on the main issues for installing courses in entrepreneurship.
The RENEW team is happy to confirm that there will be 15 places available for teachers from any AEC member institutions interested in learning about entrepreneurship teaching: What needs to be in place? What resources may already be available? What partnerships are vital and what possible designs for courses will match with the programs in your own institution?

Please click here to see the teacher training draft programme.

More information about this event will be soon published here. Should you be interested in participating in this training, please contact the AEC Office.
