AEC Congress and General Assembly 2024

13-16 November, Conservatorio di Musica “G. Verdi”, Milano, Italy

In. In. In.

Innovation, Inclusion and Interdisciplinarity

from education to employment and society

Under the theme “In. In. In.: Innovation, Inclusion and Interdisciplinarity – from education to employment and society” the AEC Congress and General Assembly 2024 will take place at Conservatorio di Milano on 13-16 November 2024.

Music and music education are more in demand than ever when the world’s great challenges need to be addressed. There are many options, and music is developing rapidly, not just as an art form, but also as a basis for meaningful communities, as core content in activities promoting good health and well-being and as a faithful companion in everyday life across generations.

AEC and its members lead the way by constantly renewing their community engagement, adapting curricula, redefining quality and excellence and involving students and staff in creating the future of higher music education leading to a sustainable career.

This year’s AEC Congress highlights topics such as the green and the digital shift, innovative leadership, artistic research, lifelong learning, power relations, inclusion of students with special education needs, innovating curricula, pre-college music education, international collaborations, connecting analysis and performance, the AEC Mentorship Programme, and a celebration of the 10th anniversary of MusiQuE. Being in Milan, we will of course take the opportunity to explore Leonardo da Vinci’s instruments and cutting-edge music technologies and a session on libraries based on the unique collection of Conservatorio di Milano.

As the flagship project of the AEC since 2022 is coming to and end, a very special event is the presentation of final outputs of “ARTEMIS – AEC Empowering Artists as Makers in Society”, funded by the EU, where you can familiarize yourself with several years of development work within a wide range of topics, which are now made available to all AEC members and which will be of decisive importance for the development of our sector in the future.

As always, participants are encouraged to contribute to the content of the programme in numerous ways: Through the Opening Brainstorming sessions, the Information Forum, the regional meetings and of course during the General Assembly.

Join us in Milan and let us together strengthen our contributions to society through innovation, inclusion and interdisciplinarity !

GERMAN Teaser Congress 2024
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FRENCH Teaser Congress 2024
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ITALIAN Teaser Congress 2024
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