As announced at the end of our previous Meeting in Odense, our next PJP Meeting will take place in Pamplona, Spain on 27 February – 2 March 2025. We will be hosted by Conservatorio Superior de Música de Navarra (CSMN), one of the very first higher music education institutions in Spain to offer tuition in jazz.
The CSMN has spent more than 150 years as a centre related to classical Western music. Since the beginning of this century, it has been open to jazz education, which is why you are invited to celebrate their first quarter century in 2025. This very year also marks the 15th anniversary of CSMN’s new and modern building.
Having received very good feedback on the organisation and the programme of the Odense Meeting, we continue including participatory workshops in the programming. All the longer-established elements of the Meetings such as keynote speeches, contributions from the community in the form of Open Floor presentations, and various opportunities for networking are included as well.
The theme for the 2025 edition of the PJP Meeting is Mother Tongue: European Identities in Heritage, Pedagogy, and Repertoire. With this the host institution and the PJP Working Group want to create discussion about how our native languages on the one hand, and the dominance of the English language in Western popular culture on the other, shape our identities, and affect our choices of repertoire, the way music is taught and learned in our institutions, and the state of musical traditions and indigenous forms of music in our countries.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you all in Pamplona at the turn of next February and March! And if possible, please bring students with you!
AEC Pop and Jazz Platform (PJP) Preparatory Working Group
Jere Laukkanen, Chairperson
Meet our hosts!