General Information

Academia Nacional Superior de Orquestra (ANSO)
As a Higher Music Education institution for the last 28 years ANSO activity has been promoted at bachelor degree level covering such areas as orchestral performance, conducting and piano for chamber music and accompaniment. ANSO is extolled and highly reputed nationwide and worldwide for the excellence of its training schemes and specialism’s.
Given its design, marked by an integrated organizational model that characterizes the four institutions it comprises, METROPOLITANA (a not-for-profit cultural association declared of public utility, that assures the management of ANSO) aims to enhance multiple dimensions in the field of higher education, such as the interconnection of teacher’s musical practice and professional musicians (Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra) with pedagogy. Indeed, the sharing of spaces of the professional orchestra with the schools (Metropolitana Conservatory of Music, Metropolitana Professional School and ANSO, each with its own orchestra too) encourages the pedagogical, scientific and artistic perspectives, and favours advanced training in different instrumental spectrums.
ANSO has a focus on very advanced level of higher music education, congregates the musical practice of its orchestras and chamber music groups, which annually perform hundreds of concerts in the most diverse formats and locations. According to our Mission, we “aim to provide a training of excellence for orchestra musicians, understood not only as top training in artistic and academic terms, but also promoting the music as fundamental artistic expression for the formation of the individual as a human being and citizen”.