General Information

The Conservatorio’s recognition as a University of Music has laid firm foundations for its continuing growth and rapidly developing initiatives. Flexible programmes of study, avant-garde research projects, teachers who are also top international performers. The growth of the Department of Research and Development has played a crucial part in bringing together musical scholarship and performance, with frequent exchanges of research and expertise. In addition, the Conservatorio is developing a specialisation in contemporary music through its interdisciplinary project Spazio21.

Teaching and research are closely related. Interaction between these two fields of activity is fundamental to the School’s educational approach, helping to produce high-quality musicians and teachers.

Our University of Music is actively involved in the implementation of the guidelines established by the Bologna Declaration in relation to European educational qualifications (bachelors’ and masters’ degrees) and today maintains a strong presence within the Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC), which has a membership of 270 professional institutions in 55 countries.

 The University of Music is an affiliated department of SUPSI.