Lebanon National Overview

Updated in November 2016 by Ghassan Yammine, Director at for International Relations and Art Activity at the Prague Academy of Performing Arts, Music and Dance Faculty.

Overview of Higher Music Education System

Higher Music Education in Lebanon is taught in the following institutions: Ecole des Arts Ghassan Yammine, the National Conservatory, Universite Saint Esprit Kaslik, the Antonine University and the Notre Dame University.
It falls under the Ministry of Education and diplomas that are issued follow national guidelines.

Total number of institutions
Total number of music students
Only the National Conservatory is funded by the government. All other institutions are funded by tuition fees.
Curricula Curricula are created by the different institutions but have to be recognized by the government through the Minister of Education. Within the curricula the focus is on the study of instrumental and vocal training, by which the lessons are given one on one.
2-cycle system 1st cycle: 3 to 5 years
2nd cycle: 2 to 4 years
A Bachelor degree is awarded at the end of the 2nd cycle. During the years of study, the student is supposed to have finished music theory, reached the 5th level of solfege and dictations, analysis, harmony and the basics of counterpoint
Entry requirements 1st cycle
There are no particular requirements for entry to the 1st cycle.
Entry requirements 2nd cycle
The student should have already finished his diploma of 1st cycle, the music theory, 3rd level of solfege and dictations, and chamber music.
% of students who continue with 2nd cycle approximately 15%
3rd cycle
3rd cycle studies are available at the conservatoires, with an independent department for research.
Credit point system
As Lebanon is not in the EU, there is no link with the Erasmus programme, although agreements exist between Lebanese institutions and other European higher music institutions.
Quality assurance
There is no official method of quality assurance in place: For example, at Ecole des Arts Ghassan Yammine, the affiliations with European higher institutions is a proof of its Quality Assurance.
Academic Year
It depends on the institution: for some it’s October-June, for others the whole year (including a Summer session).
Overview of the Pre-College Music Education System
There are several possibilities in Lebanon to be musically trained prior to entering higher education. All programs have modified 12 years ago, but they’re still less than the average required, in order to prepare students for entering professional music education. All the universities have music schools. However, the music schools focus more on amateur training. They offer music theory, solfege and teach the different instruments. Lessons are primarily given in big groups.

Types of Pre-College Education

Music Scool
The 3 universities listed on the top.
Private Music School
Ecole des Arts Ghassan Yammine
The National Conservatory

Additional Information

Many institutions give summer sessions during July. Only Ecole des Arts Ghassan Yammine works 12 months without any interruption.

There is no real distinction between pre-college education and amateur training on the level of primary or secondary school.

Music and Arts in General Education
Music is a obligatory subject until the age of 11.
Students entering Higher Music Education
Almost all students come from the aformentioned music institutions.
Special Facilities for Talented Students at Pre-College Level
There are some venues where talented students can perform or get master classes or follow workshops, but they don’t learn (as courses).

Overview of Music Teacher Education System

Instrumental/Vocal Music Teacher Education

In Lebanon, the trainings are provided by some institutions mentioned on the top. Basically, they invite European or American musicians to give seminars, workshops, master classes, trainings, etc..
Structure and Curriculum
No information available.
Student are trained for positions as teachers and educators. They can find a position in public and private schools when they have received their Bachelor Degree.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
No information available.

Education for Music Teacher in General Education (primary and secondary school)

It takes place in the same insitutions as mentioned before. There is no real diploma, but a certificate is awarded after finishing.
Structure and Curriculum
No information available.
No information available.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
No information available.