The 12th Annual Conference of The Association of Cultural Management on 'Arts and Citizenship: Towards Diversity of Cultural Expressions' in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is taking place in Vienna on January 9 – 12, 2019. 

The topic of the 12th Annual Conference focuses on cultural diversity, which has been subject to extensive discussions across industries and academic disciplines. In particular to encourage governments to introduce policies for culture within a global context and to commit to protecting and promoting the diversity of cultural expressions.
The conference calls for proposals that engage critically with the conference topic (Arts and Citizenship: Towards Diversity of Cultural Expressions) from theoretical and/or practical perspectives, using a variety of scientific or arts-based theories, methodologies and rich case studies.

The deadline for proposals: June 30, 2018
Notifications of acceptance and rejection: by August 15, 2018

For further information or application details for this call for proposal, please visit the website or read the attached PDF document.