The final sessions of the second series of the Artist as Teacher seminars took place at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague on 12 – 13 April 2024. 

The participants had the opportunity to share work on the inter-vision, a learning method where a group of equals is guided by a chairperson, focusing on increasing knowledge, improving skills, increasing self-reflection and insight in personal functioning and learning how to deal with emotions related to work situations. 

The seminars also provided the ground for participants to share their feedback and comments for future editions. They expressed their appreciation for the seminars, emphasising how the experience had empowered them to explore and implement new working methods within their teaching practices. The insights gained during the seminars have not only enhanced their pedagogical approaches but also fostered their professional growth as artist-teachers.

The AEC would like to extend its gratitude to Gerda van Zelm, Renee Jonker, and all the course leaders for their dedication and invaluable contributions to these inspiring courses.