As usual, elections to the Council will be held at this year's AEC General Assembly which takes place in Graz on 10 November 2018 in the framework of the AEC Annual Congress. According to article 5.5 of the AEC Statutes, members of Council are appointed for a period of three years but may be re-elected for one further period of three years to the same position.

British AEC Council member Claire Mera-Nelson has done a very successful and committed work for the AEC so far (including being chair of the FULL SCORE Learning Outcome Working Group), but as she left Trinity Laban at the end of March to take up the post of Director at the Music and London for Arts Council England, she will unfortunately not be allowed to stand for election after her first term ending in November. The reason why is that she will then no longer belong to one of the AEC member institutions. However we congratulate her on this wonderful professional success and wish her all the best for the future. We will be happy to find a way for her to stay connected to the AEC community.

The AEC members will elect in Graz a successor to Claire. A call for applications will be launched around September 2018.