The second artistic residency of the LOST HERITAGE & MUSIC project took place in Alicante (Spain) on 16-17 June 2023.

The residency kicked off with a Social Concert held at Alicante’s Prison, where participants had the opportunity to engage in non-formal learning experiences with citizens. The key activities included co-authorial workshops, where citizens collaborated with artists to (re)interpret lost and dissonant heritage elements, finding new meanings in the uncomfortable past. The second activity, called “The Sound of the Place,” involved creative workshops where participants, along with composers and musicians, explored past compositions associated with specific locations and experimented with representing spaces through sounds. The day continued with a productive work session led by composer Marc Sansalvador, who shared his expertise and insights with the attendees. Participants also had the chance to visit Alicante’s Castle, immersing themselves in the region’s rich history and cultural heritage. After the cultural activities, the participants had the opportunity to gather and share a convivial dinner. This activity was designed to promote cultural exchange and provided a delightful opportunity for everyone to experience and appreciate the local culinary delights.

On Saturday 17 June, the residency continued with visits to the Cuevas de Canelobre, the Busot Ethnic Music Museum, and Alicante’s Market Square, providing participants with a deeper understanding of the local culture and its musical traditions. Following these activities, a colloquium was held in collaboration with the Association of Relatives Retaliated by Francoism (Asociación de Familiares de Represaliados por el Franquismo), fostering meaningful conversations and reflections on the impact of historical events on families and communities.

As a fitting end to the event, attendees had the option to attend a chamber music concert at ADDA Chamber Music Hall, featuring performances by the ADDA Simfònica Orchestra

The second artistic residency of the LOST HERITAGE & MUSIC project provided a platform for participants to engage with the community, explore different cultures, and (re)interpret heritage elements through the transformative power of music. The success of the project highlights the profound impact that art and collaboration can have in creating new narratives and deepening our understanding of our collective past.

The project partners extend their gratitude to all those involved in the meeting in Alicante and eagerly anticipate the next residency.

For more information about the LOST HERITAGE & MUSIC project and future activities, please visit the project’s website.