“On site, online, on point?” – EUA’s European Learning & Teaching Forum

The new edition of the European Learning & Teaching Forum will be hosted by the University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain) on 17-18 February 2022. The Forum is an event by the European University Association (EUA) and it will be held under the title On site, online, on point?.
The conference will provide a space to discuss technologies, digitisation and innovation developments and good practices in learning and teaching at European universities while also presenting the work of the 2021 EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Groups.
The Forum is intended for vice-rectors for academic affairs, deans, programme directors, academic staff and researchers focusing on learning and teaching as well as students, policy makers and other stakeholders in higher education.
The deadline for registration is 2 February 2022.
For updates follow #EUALearnTeach on Twitter or join the LinkedIn group ‘Learning & Teaching in European Higher Education’.
More information about the conference, the university and the venue can be found at the webpage of the event.