The Student Working Group (SWG) is the student networking body of the AEC since 2014, formed by students from AEC member institutions. The SWG attends all AEC's events, conferences and meetings and gives feedback on AEC's activities from a student perspective.
Zoom student talks
The SWG is also inviting all the student readers to the Online Student Talks. These will take place on 9 May and 13 June from 19:00 to 21:00 CET via Zoom. Online Student Talks are an open forum to connect with other students and alumni to discuss a topic of their choice. It is not predetermined, and is a space to start a respectful dialogue with each other, across national borders and about what connects us all: Music. All students are welcome to join both or one of the two sessions and to invite other students from their institution as well!
We encourage all readers of this newsletter to disseminate this information and the link for the two sessions (same link for all sessions): join us on Zoom!
23 April, 2021
Online Student Talks: connect with other students and alumni