Stakeholder Assembly continues on Power, Gender and Sexual Orientation

The PRIhME (Stakeholder Assembly on Power Relations in Higher Music Education) team is preparing the second stakeholder assembly which will discuss gender and sexuality in Higher Music Education. Before each assembly, the participants receive an information brief including an expert paper on the theme of that assembly, which will allow for a more informed discussion on the theme, and get everyone on the same page. We invite you to follow the journey of the PRIhME and its stakeholders and read the expert paper.
The team is very pleased that this assembly’s expert paper has been written by Cecilia Ferm Almqvist and Ann Werner, two experts in music and gender-based at Södertörn University in Sweden. In their paper, they explain and discuss the role of gender in higher music education. They do so by first outlining the debates about what ‘gender’ is and how it operates through power imbalances and differences that are social and cultural. Further, they describe the main results from research about gender in higher music education institutions in Europe through three themes: gender and music, gender in higher music education, and the gendering of professional roles. Thereafter they problematize gender as an analytical category through an intersectional lens and discuss the problem of sexual harassment, sexism, and other harassment in higher music education institutions. The paper concludes with a discussion on how to challenge gender issues in higher music education.
Read the expert paper and contact the AEC Office in case of questions related to the PRIhME project, power relations in general, or principles of the assemblies.