The AEC active members voted on several documents, including some dedicated to financial matters such as the AEC proposed budget and the membership fees for 2024. Furthermore, the AEC members endorsed the PRIhME recommendations, reflecting the outcomes of Stakeholder Assemblies involving 50 individuals from 9 partner institutions. More on the PRIhME recommendations and sessions on the power relations in the AEC Congress can be read here. 

AEC President Deborah Kelleher presented the activities of AEC in 2023 and a Framework for the new AEC Strategic Plan 2024-2028 was introduced to the members. The General Assembly also featured insights from MusiQuE Chair Jacques Moreau on matters related to MusiQuE’s activities and role.

The AEC active members also voted to elect new members for the AEC Executive Committee (ExCom) and the AEC Council. We’re excited to introduce to you the newly composed Council!

Elisabeth Gutjahr was re-elected AEC Vice-President. As a result, the AEC ExCom composition remained unchanged:

Council members:

Furthermore, the AEC active members have cast their votes for two new Council members. We extend heartfelt congratulations to Małgorzata Sternal (Poland) and Barbara Maria Willi (Czech Republic) for their successful election as AEC Council members! We wish them every success in their new role. 

Following the 2023 General Assembly, the AEC Council has the following composition.

Co-Opted members: Abra Bush, (Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, United States) and Anothai Nitibhon (Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand).

In conclusion, the AEC Council and the AEC office would like to extend their sincere gratitude to the outgoing Council member, Rico Gubler (Germany/Switzerland), for his unwavering commitment and dedication to the AEC Council. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.