
AEC-SMS Early childhood music eduction task force meeting

The first meeting of the Early Childhood Music Education Task Force took place in Nicosia, Cyprus on April 19. The task force is funded through the SMS project and is carried out in collaboration with the AEC, the European Association for Music in Sc...

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Shared Statement by AEC and Conservatoires in UK on Brexit

AEC and Conservatoires UK (CUK) have launched a shared statement to express their great concern about the consequences of Brexit. With this statement, both parties express that they are determined to maintain and enhance the existing levels of coope...

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AEC-SMS Student Working Group meeting

The AEC-SMS Student Working Group held its first meeting in Odense, Denmark on the 9th of April . The main aim of the AEC-SMS Working Group is to increase the Student Voice within the AEC community, to offer Support to students, institutions an...

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Classical: Next Forum in Rotterdam, 16-19 May 2018

Classical:NEXT is a unique music meeting for all art music innovators commited to strengthen the classical and art music scene in Europe and beyond, focusing on innovation and effectiveness in both business and creative aspects of the field.  ...

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AEC-SMS Enterpreneurship Working Group meeting

The AEC-SMS Entrepreneurship Working Group held its first meeting on the 16-17 April in the AEC office in Brussels. The working group is composed of four experts in the field of entrepreneurship in higher music education from all over Europe, a stude...

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AEC new partnership with the World Federation of International Music Competitions

AEC is happy to announce that the its recent application to become an associate organization of the World Federation of International Music Competitions (WFIMC) has been approved during its recent General Assembly on Saturday 14th of April 2018....

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Berklee College of Music Scholarships available for students from AEC Member institutions!

The Spain Summer Study Abroad program provides an opportunity for students from around the world to study at Berklee while enlarging their global network. Participating students earn college credit in one of the following three academic tracks: Film ...

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ELIA – NXT SEMINAR Making a Living from the Arts in 2025

"NXT Making a Living from the Arts" is a project led the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA), which aims to support the career development of emerging artists.   On 12 April the NXT Seminar took place in Brus...

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First International Conference on Artistic Research in Performance Royal Northern College of Music

The Royal Northern College of Music’s Hub for Artistic Research in Performance (HARP) is delighted to announce a call for lecture recitals, presentations, panels and papers for a 2-day research conference to be held in Manchester on June 28-9, ...

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“Contempor-early music: embracing the new” – VOXearlyMUS Intensive Programme

The 3rd Intensive Programme of the ERASMUS + Strategic Partnership VOXearlyMUS, “Contempor-early music: embracing the new”, hosted by the „DEN HAAG Royal Conservatoire, between 24th of February – 4th of March 2018, gathered st...

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