
AEC Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships update

Latest news about VOXearlyMus   The 2nd Intensive Programme of the ERASMUS + Strategic Partnership VOXearlyMUS, entitled “Early music small vocal ensembles on the professional scene”, hosted by the „Arrigo Boito” Cons...

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Conference on the Internationalization of German Musikhochschulen

24-25. November 2017 in Dresden   The German Higher Music Education institutions (Musikhochschulen) have an excellent international reputation, a high mobility rate and represent a destination frequently requested by foreign students. At the s...

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Publication of a new AEC handbook on how to increase student voice in HME institutions

The AEC Student Working Group (AEC SWG), active with the FULL SCORE project, is very happy to announce the launch of its handbook “Increasing student voice in Higher Music Education institutions. Tips and guidelines from the Student WG” a...

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RENEW Project latest news

The RENEW project - Reflective Entrepreneurial Music Education Wordclass (2016-2018) - aims to promote entrepreneurship as an important component of higher music education (HME) programmes. The RENEW working group members are currently shaping the...

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Latest news from MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement

MusiQuE - Music Quality Enhancement, the Foundation for Quality Enhancement and Accreditation in Higher Music Education has been very active in the last months. MusiQuE is currently coordinating and/or preparing several quality enhancement and acc...

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Changes in the AEC Office

AEC informs its members that Nerea Lopez de Vicuña Iradi, who has been a member of the AEC Office team since October 2013, has decided to leave the AEC office in October 2017. All those who had been in close contact with her appreciate how car...

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End of the FULL SCORE project!

The AEC is proud to present the final outcomes of the FULL SCORE project, which after three years of intense implementation, reached its end on August 31st 2017. This 3-year project has been coordinated by the AEC with the support from the Europea...

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Pop and Jazz Platform Reflections on Audience Engagement Media Report

The AEC is happy to present the media report recorded during the last edition of the AEC Pop and Jazz Platform (PJP) meeting in London in February 2017. This video has been produced within the framework of the FULL SCORE project with the aim of summa...

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Start of EASY Pilot Project Phase 2 – Join the System!

The EASY pilot project aiming at creating a common European online Applications SYstem for students and teachers exchanges within the ERASMUS and NORDPLUS programmes (EASY) is entering its second pilot year. In order to implement the feedb...

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Upcoming AEC Events 2017-2018

2017 AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators (IRCs Meeting)  The AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators (IRCs Meeting) will take place at Tbilisi State Conservatoire (Georgia), 21-24 September 2017, un...

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