
‘Golden Silence’: Surrealism at 100 and the place of music in its history

Study Day, 26 April 2017 Schulich School of Music, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada in conjunction with the Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal Just a few weeks short of 100 years ago, on May 18 1917, a Parisian audience w...

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AEC project application success – Strengthening Music in Society (SMS)

We are proud to announce the AEC application 'Strengthening  Music in Society' (SMS) has been one of the twenty-eight projects selected by the Creative Europe programme - Support to European Networks. This opportunity will allow AEC t...

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Junghanss first international conservatoire director in the Netherlands

As from September 2017, Joachim Junghanss will be the new director of Conservatorium Maastricht and succeed Jan Rademakers, who is retiring this summer. Junghanss is the first conservatoire director in the Netherlands who has a background in both cla...

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RAMI – Quarta Giornata per la Ricerca Artistica in Italia

The Italian Association for Artistic Research in Music in Italy (RAMI) is organizing a conference on Artistic Research in Musi at the Conservatorio di Musica "G. D'Annunzio" in Pescara on 8th April. The language of the event will be Ita...

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The University of Music and Performing Arts Graz celebrates anniversary

200 Years Presence of Art   The university was founded in 1816 and therefore it is the oldest music university in Austria, the land of music. The theme of our anniversary is “200 Years Presence of Art”. The academic year 2016/17 ...

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Latest news about NAIP: blended mobility intensive week

On 22-26 March, the intensive week of the blended mobility in the project NAIP: Training Artists Without Borders took place in Iceland, hosted by Iceland Academy of the Arts (IAA). The aim of the blended mobility in this project is to explore stra...

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FULL SCORE AEC Learning Outcomes Working Group Update

AEC is currently revising its Learning Outcomes for 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-Cycle Studies in Music. The revision of these Learning Outcomes serves to continue their fitness for purpose in defining the skills, competences and know-how required by graduatin...

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AEC upcoming events 2017!

COMING UP: European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM) – Staging Research: from the laboratory to the stage and back again – at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, 20-22 April. The final programme, a description of the themes an...

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Tribute to former AEC General Secretary Claude Viala (1922-2016)

Claude Viala (26th December 1922 – 30th December 2016), former AEC General Secretary, quietly passed away, shortly after his 94th birthday, in his beautiful house near Geneva. As a cellist, member of the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, teach...

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Welcome to new AEC Members!

We are very happy to welcome the Istituto Superiore Di Studi Musicali Claudio Monteverdi, Cremona, Italy, as new Active Member of the AEC.  The Cremona Civic School of Music was founded in the early seventies; later, from 2002, The Schoo...

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