
Scholarship for Boston Conservatory Opera Intensive at Valencia

For three weeks this summer, aspiring young opera singers from around the world will come together at Berklee College of Music’s Valencia, Spain campus to participate in the Boston Conservatory Opera Intensive at Valencia program. This unique p...

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The Joint Research Centre (JRC) launches collaborative doctoral partnerships

The importance of science-based evidence for policy making is increasingly recognised by the decision makers and finds resonance in academia. To enhance the science-policy interface, the JRC is launching a new Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP)...

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Entrepreneurship in Music – Between Artistic Autonomy and Economic Reality

Next 27-28 April 2017, the Norwegian Academy of Music (NHM), Oslo (Norway) will host the conference 'Entrepreneurship in Music – Between Artistic Autonomy and Economic Reality', organised  by the Centre of Excellence in Music Perfo...

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World Youth Choir – Recruitment starts for Session 2017

Following the success of the EUROPA CANTAT XIX festival in 2015 the World Youth Choir session for 2017 will be held in Pécs, Hungary with a following tour in Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia ...

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Invitation to Oxford Education Research Symposium — March 2017

The 10th Oxford Education Research Symposium will be held  20, 21 & 22 March, 2017, at the Oxford University Club, Oxford, UK.   You are invited to submit an abstract if you wish to present a paper at the symposium, or ...

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The Future of Music Schools – today´s challenges and tomorrow´s solutions

The First European Music School Symposium will take place from October 6th to 7th, 2017 in Vienna, Austria.   With this symposium the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna wants to start a discussion between European experts, scholar...

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Call for Hosting Venues – AEC Events 2018 – 2020

  Call for Hosting Venues   AEC Events 2018-2020     The AEC is looking for member institutions willing to host AEC events in 2018, 2019 and 2020   Why Hosting an AEC Event? AEC events are a unique networking opport...

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