
AEC members kindly requested to update their contact information

Administrators of institutional profiles are kindly requested to update their contact information on the AEC website, and to add as much information as they would like to share among the AEC members.

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AEC representatives participated in the Estado del Arte project

Estado del Arte is the largest participatory process to date in the field of arts education in Spain.

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Sentiamoci a Parma. Ear training workshop

Sentiamoci a Parma 2023 – Ear training Workshop & Forum

Register now to attend "Sentiamoci a Parma - Ear training Workshop & Forum" from 26 to 29 April 2023.

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ProMiMiC – Professional Excellence in Meaningful Music in Healthcare

Register now for the ProMiMiC symposia!

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Staff changes in the AEC Office Team

Office and Project Coordinator Barbara Lalić leaves the AEC Office. A new colleague, Ashkhen Fixova, has been appointed.

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AEC Advocacy Strategy – Chapter III

Report on the annual policy conversation Cultural Deal for Europe, and final chapter of the series of news items entitled 'Towards an AEC Advocacy Strategy'

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Publication on Artistic Research “La Ricerca Artistica Musicale. Linguaggi e Metodi “

The book analyses from several points of view, languages, and methods of artistic research in music the relationship between art, science and technology.

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Mentors and mentees kicked off the ECSA-AEC Mentorship Programme on 21st March in Brussels!

The kick-off meeting of the ECSA-AEC Mentorship Programme 2022-2023 took place on 21st March in Brussels, in the frame of ECSA’s Creators Conference 2023, with all mentors and mentees who met in person for the first time.

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Register now for the RAPP Lab multiplier event!

Registrations are open for the RAPP Lab Multiplier event: "Reflect & React: How Artistic Research Empowers Musicians and Performing Artists at Higher Education Institutions", which will take place on 12 – 13 May in Cologne.

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Update on MusiQuE’s review procedures and activities

MusiQuE is currently coordinating and preparing several quality enhancement and accreditation procedures in The Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Estonia, Singapore, Thailand and Spain and took part in various higher education quality assurance events around the world.

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